Please join BFARe and CPRE Bedfordshire. We are marching on Feb 13th at noon in protest of the destruction of our Bedfordshire Greenfields!
We are demanding the end to greenfields development to save our wildlife, forests, biodiversity, farmland, carbon capture and our public access to open countryside.
These Protest Walks will be in support of the national petition demanding an end to private house building targets and to ban large scale housing development on Greenfield sites and build all new homes to the highest environmental standards.
The petition link is here, please sign! https://chng.it/9P57Hg4XK5
Bedford Council’s draft Local Plan 2040 is considering large new town developments in order to meet inflated government targets based on out of date statistical data.
This is the wrong priority. To solve our housing crisis we need more social housing and affordable homes in the places they are needed most.
The choice of Route E for East West Rail across an area of rural villages and quiet countryside has been supported by the Council to enable these developments to take place – another example of Bedford Council working with the government to make the wrong choice for the wrong reasons!!
Our countryside is needed for farming, for carbon capture, to provide wildlife havens to protect against alarming biodiversity losses, and a recreational resource to support the well being of local people.
Join us on Feb 13th – 12 NOON!
Walk Start Point 1 – Clapham

Please join Clapham Parish council at Ursula Taylor Primary School. The “meeting point” will be where this walk meets 4 walking groups and photos will be taken with media present. Please wear hats / masks if you do not want to be photographed!
Walk Start Point 2 – Bedford Park starting at Foster Hill Road Cemetery entrance on Foster Hill Road

Please meet at the entrance to Bedford Cemetery at the top of Foster Hill Road. Free parking in Robinson Pool parking lot – please get a ticket from machine. The “meeting point” on this map is where this walk meets 4 walking groups and photos will be taken with media present. Please wear hats / masks if you do not want to be photographed!
Walk Start Point 3 – Woodlands Park – Anjulita Court

Woodlands Park Start Point – Anjulita Court – please do NOT park in the Anjulita parking lot if you are driving and be respectful of residents when parking on the roads nearby. The “meeting point” will be where this walk meets 4 walking groups and photos will be taken with media present. Please wear hats / masks if you do not want to be photographed!
Walk Start Point 4 – Brickhill Drive Shops

Brickhill Walk start Point – Brickhill Drive Shops. Please note the label “Meeting Point” is where four groups of protest walkers will meet in the middle for photos and media coverage. If you wish not to be photographed, please wear hats / masks! Thank you!
Walk Start Point 5 – Wilden Village Hall

Wilden Start Point – Wilden Village Hall.
Other confirmed Save Our Greenfields – Protest Walks
Ravendsen, Church End – Horse and Jockey Start Point.
2 walks – shorter walk is 1 hour and longer walk is 1.5 – 2 hours.
Great Barford – Village Hall Start Point.
Renhold – Village Hall Start Point.
Roxton – Village Hall Start Point.